
Gaige yu' gi Tumblr.

I am on Tumblr.

Ti ya-hu mureblog.

I do not like to reblog.

Hu rikokohi gi iyo-ku Tumblr, i fina'tinas-hu

I am collecting in my Tumblr, things I have made.

I ltratu-hu siha ginen i isla-ku.

My pictures of my island.

I litratu-hu siha ginen i hinanao-hu siha

My pictures of my trips.

Infotmasion put i che'cho'-hu gi koleho yan gi kuminidat.

Information about my work at UOG yan in the community.

Parehu i ison-niha yan este na blog, lao mas ha aguiguiguiya i fina'litratuh siha iyo-ku Tumblr.

My tumblr and my blog have the same purpose, lao my Tumblr is primarily for visuals.

Ti meggai iyo-ku followers (dadadalaki siha).

I don't have that many followers.

Lao kada biahi na umafakcha'i ham yan un follower, nina'gof magof yu'.

But each time I meet a new follower, it makes me very happy.

Ti pinacha' i korason-hu anai ma sangani yu' na ma li'e' yu' gi PDN.

It doesn't do much for me if someone says they saw me in the PDN.

Lao anggen ma sangan na ma sodda' yu' gi Tumblr, nina'kadidak yu'.

But if they say they found me on Tumblr, I definitely get tickled by that.

Agupa'na bai hu gaige giya San Diego para i Chamorro Cultural Festival.

The day after tomorrow I'll be in San Diego for the Chamorro Cultural Festival.

Hu tungo' na guaha taotao giya San Diego ni' tumatitiyi yu' gi Tumblr.

I know there are people in San Diego who follow me on Tumblr.

Anggen un tungo' yu ginen Tumblr ya un li'e' yu' giya San Diego, put fabot sangan "Hafa Adai!"

If you know me from Tumblr and see me in San Diego, please say "Hafa Adai!"



Drea said…
My sister lives in San Diego and was at the festival. She said when she saw you she got excited and thought "Hey, I used to read his blog!". I think she was to shy to say hello.

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