Asunton Chamorro Siha
Asunto Chamorro Siha: A Chamorro Issues Roundtable
The newly created Chamorro Studies major track in the
Pacific-Asian Studies Program is poised to be a bridge that will connect the
Chamorro community to the University of Guam and vice versa. The Chamorro
Studies program is dedicated to using the intellectual resources of the
University of Guam to address major issues confronting the global Chamorro
community. The first half of this session will feature a panel of undergraduate
students doing Chamorro Studies themed research. They will share their work on
excavating a largely buried but nonetheless significant event in recent Guam
history, the uprising at Atate in Malesso, where Chamorro men liberated
themselves from Japanese control prior to the American invasion. The second
half will feature a panel of Chamorro Studies scholars who will discuss
pertinent issues that are affecting Chamorros today such as the continuing
quest for self-determination and the recent loss of former Congressman Ben