Hiroshima Trip, Post 2: The Tip of the Spear and the Core of the Pencil
I heard this via an interpreter via my headset and immediately looked up from my notebook. The speaker was an elderly Japanese woman, who had been speaking already for several minutes and had touched upon a huge number of issues which drive the work of Japanese progressive; peace, Article 9, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Hibakusha, nuclear war, economic. Her statement by that time had gone from being inspiring to overwhelming to too far-reaching, and so she made this statement in an attempt to sum up her message, by asking the Japanese people present on the first day of the 2010 World Conference Against A and H Bombs, that they work to make their country the “core of the pencil.”
She did not take the metaphor any further than this, either because she dropped it or because the interpreter didn’t pick up on it. In my mind though, I kept rolling and kumilili mo’na ayu na idea esta ki mana’kabåles gui’ gi hinasso-ku. Two things came to mind after hearing this particular phrasing.
The hegemonic status of this slogan gives power to, but also weakens the power relations that it is meant to reproduce, by making the exploitative and hardly heart-warming dimensions difficult to hide. In her dissertation titled An Exploratory Study of Community Trauma and Culturally Responsive Counseling with Chamorro Clients, Patricia Taimanglo provides a number of different references to this through her interviews, the most haunting of which is as follows:
…the bottom line is that we’re only Americans as the United States government wants us to be. To the extent that it is necessary to the government. So we’re not actually human beings, but tools…We’re no different than the piece of land up at NAS or Anderson Air Force Base. We are to be used and not recognized as humans.
My second thought was to remember a passage from the book Maps of Reconciliation by Barry Lopez.
Someone will have to make an outline, draw a map and pass it around, with a pencil and an eraser with no thought of ownership. The voices of individual
authorship and the duly elected will need to give way to the repositories of
community wisdom. For the first time in centuries, wisdom will be seated beside
intelligence, a second light to cute the deep and unknowable dark.
In the remarks by that biha, she was making Lopez’s point. But rather than doing so in the abstract, almost pointless, but safe way in which Lopez does it, prior to any specifics which ultimately lead to the logical problems and violence and meaning, she chooses to fill it with herself, her history and her country. She argues that Japan has the means to not only be the core of that pencil which can write new maps based on new ethics, but that it can be the eraser as well. The messages, the politics, the stories which came out of Japan after World War II, whether they be a world without nukes or the idea of having a Peace Constitution, they can redraw the world, they can erase the borders and also help provide the means whereby it can be redrawn with the hopes that it be safer and more peaceful.