Another Offensive Rebound for the Junior Senator from Illinois!

Estaba gaige yu' gi i "kelat" gi hafa bai sapotte para i botashon Amerikanu gi este na sakkan.

Gof ti ya-hu Si Clinton yan Si McCain, ya ya-hu Si Obama, lao guaha nai ti siguru yu' put Guiya. Ga-o-ku na mas "liberal" gui', guaha nai kulang "conservative" i hinasso-na yan i fino'-na.

Lao pa'go, esta put fin listo yu' para bei tachuyi Obama.

Sina hinassosso-mu "hafa muna'diside hao Miget? Hafa muna'siguru?"

Para kada na taotao, meggai na diferentes na punto yan asunto ni' ma u'usa para u disiside hayi i maolek yan hayi i ti maolek na gayu. Para Guahu, ni' hayi na gayu (kontodu Si Obama) na ya-hu put i "issues" siha.

Pues, debi di bei espihayi otro na asunto para bai hu usa. Ya este na simana manodda' yu'!

Gof kalamya Si Obama bumasketbol! Ya nahong este para bei sapotte gui'!

If was actually the phrase "What a play by Senator Obama!" that won me over at last.

For those interested, here's some film of the junior Senator from Illinois playing high school basketball in Hawai'i. And also an Obama Basketball Mix Tape.


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