Heritage Hikes 3

We Are Guåhan is pleased to announce its third series of "Heritage Hikes: I Kantan i Latte Siha." The previous 2 series of Heritage Hikes have been a major success with over 240 people showing up to see and learn about Guam’s history. The upcoming Heritage Hikes will include 2 new sites, Hila’an Village and Haputo, as well as a hike to Pågat Village. It also includes We Are Guåhan’s first hike scheduled on a Sunday.

The hike schedule is as follows:

•June 12, 2011 – Hila’an Village (Difficulty: Easy. Duration: 2 – 3 hours)
Meet at Tanguisson Beach Park.
•June 18, 2011 – Haputo (Difficulty: Easy. Duration: 2 – 3 hours)
Meet at NCS Finegayan.
•June 25, 2011 – Pågat Village (Difficulty: Medium. Duration: 2 – 3 hours)
Meet at Pågat trailhead along The Back Road.

The hike to Haputo is subject to the discretion of the Department of Defense. If you are interested in attending the hike, you will need to submit your Social Security Number to DoD and sign a waiver by June 10. Please contact leevin@weareguahan.com for more information on how and where to submit this information. Hike organizers have been advised that DoD reserves the right to cancel the hike at any time for any reasons. If DoD decides to reject our hike request, the group will hike to an alternate site.

WHEN: The show-time for all hikes is 8:45a.m. with a go-time 9:00 a.m.

WHAT TO BRING: All participants must bring LOTS OF WATER. Participants are encouraged to bring sun block, bug repellant and light snacks or lunches.

WHAT TO WEAR: The first two hikes will have areas with dense jungle, so if you are sensitive to mosquito bites, please wear long sleeved shirts, pants and a comfortable pair of shoes. Participants hiking to Pågat should wear tennis / hiking shoes, shorts and a comfortable shirt. Swimming is an option and encouraged at all sites, so come prepared with appropriate clothes and towels if you’d like to swim.


On the first hike, Dr. Michael Lujan Bevacqua will explain the historical significance of Hila’an Village, an area that was recently returned to GovGuam. There are over 70 latte throughout the area, which will give hike participants an opportunity to imagine what the village would have looked like.

The second hike will be to Haputo, which is an opportunity for people without access to military bases to see Haputo Beach and the artifacts, several latte scattered throughout the area.

The third and final hike will be to the area where DoD is planning on building a firing complex: Pågat Village. Dr. Bevacqua will discuss the cultural and historic significance of the area, as well as DoD’s proposed plans to build a firing range complex there.

If you have questions about the Heritage Hikes, please contact leevin@weareguahan.com


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