Tetset Konfrensian Chamorro

The Tetset Konfrensian Chamorro is coming up next month in Saipan, September 26th and 27th.

Para hamyo ni' ti en tingo', este i mina'tres na dinana' taiguini. Mandana' para i fine'nina giya Guahan gi 2006. Para i mina'dos giya Luta gi 2007. I tema, para este na sakkan, "Fana'gue, Na'metgot, Na'famta." Pat gi fino' Ingles, "Teach, Strengthen and Share (Sow)."

Mampos magof yu' put i dinana' gi este na sakkan, sa' bai hu gaige giya Guahan gi i otro na mes, pues sina sumaonao yu'!

Here is the information and application forms for those interested in knowing more or attending:


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