Study Buddies
1. Attend a educational policy meeting at UCLA tomorrow morning for Pacific Islanders.
2. Supervise a college networking workshop Saturday morning at the 6th Annual National Pacific Islander Education Network Conference (NPIEN) at Paramount High School.
3. Have my brother Jack record another "Guam Talk" with my friend Josette Saturday afternoon.
4. Meet with other grad students in the department on Sunday to help finalize plans for an Indigenous and Postcolonial Studies Conference we're organizing next year at UCSD.
5. Finish by the 20th, my first column that I've been asked to write for the Guam magazine GU. The column will tenatively be titled "In Search of a Slingstone."
6. Write two lectures on Pacific Islanders and their contemporary and historical relationship to the United States that I'll be giving before 450 undergraduates next week at UCSD.
7. Finish the Ford application by the 29th.
8. Finish writing the five conference abstracts that are due on the 1st of December. I have three done, two more to go. These conference papers are crucial in helping to set up my theoretical foundation for my dissertation.
9. Finalize plans for the next Famoksaiyan conference coming up next year down here in San Diego. More on this soon!
10. Edit and put together the first issue for next year of the journal African Identities. Since last year I've been working as the assistant managing editor for the journal, and so issue 6.1 of next year is the first issue that I'll be in charge of throwing together.
Sigh...hagong, hagong disspasio, hagong lao mungga un cho'gue todu este siha, lao disspasio put fabot, osino siempre hineart attack hao.
How, you may ask, can I accomplish all of these things? To quote one of my favorite Beatle's song, "with a little help from my friends." Just wanted to introduce you to my favorite study buddies in the world, i nobia-hu Rashne Limki and iyo-ku ga'chong ofisina Ayako Sahara. We have spent many long hours both working furiously and tiredly barely working in different restaurants, offices and coffee shops over the past year. Rashne in particular has been so helpful in keeping me going and keeping me motivated, and even taking on the terrifying task of editing my papers. Si Yu'us Ma'ase Baloo para todu i guinaiya-mu yan inayudu-mu!
I feel guilty distracting you. In fact, have a friend of your's read this and summarize. I always use far too many words.
I am a political blogger in Denver who will be covering the 2008 Democratic Convention.
As part of their outreach into the internet, they are credentialing 56 bloggers to report on their delegations at the event.
My blog, is following my story as I attempt to find a suitable Guam based blogsite and help point them in the direction of Jason Rosenberg, the Internet Communications Director for the DNCC.
Your work here seems to be a goldmine, and I will be working my way through it. When there is a break in the action, drop me a line and let me know who else in the Guam blogging community I should be discovering.
I hope you don't mind, but I lifted your picture off this post and am adding it to where I am talking about you on my site.
Best regards!
Aaron Silverstein