Minagahet Zine Has Moved

Minagahet Zine was started at the community website network Geocities in 2003. The space was free, uploading and downloading was easy to use, and at that time, almost everyone who had a website, but wasn't really good at making websites was on there.

Late last year Geocities closed down, leading to the erasing and closing of thousands of peoples' pages. Fortunately I was able to save Minagahet Zine by upgrading its status. Unfortunately, its sister site Kopbla Amerika was not saved, and so I will have to figure out a place to archive and possibly republish the information and articles which could be found there.

So after six years of it being located at "http://www.geocities.com/minagahet" you can now visit Minagahet Zine at http://www.minagahetzine.com!

I uploaded the latest issue there last week, but I am slowly updating all its archived pages one by one.

Be sure to update your bookmarks!

Ya Si Yu'us Ma'ase nu Hamyo ni' sumapopotte ham desde dos mit tres. Guahan na biahi ti hu hongge este na hinanao-hu. Gi meggai na manera, gof dikike yan na'mamahlao i tinituhon-hu siha, lao i minagof yan i minalulok i lina'la'-hu, annai sina hu hasso yan komprende taimanu ayu estaba mampo dikike' dumongkalo' gi halom i kannai-hu siha.


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