We Are Guahan Year 1

FROM WE ARE GUAHAN: An guaha tiempo-mu, put fabot sapotte este na dinana' yan i inetnon lokkue'. Maolek i tinekcha' i fine'nina na sakkan, puede ha' lamaolek i mina'dos, no?


Hafa Adai,

One year ago, a small group of folks were drawn together by a document (the DEIS) that painted a disturbing picture of our community's future.

One year has since passed with over 25 events and initiatives -- over 20,000 personal conversations -- over 30,000 volunteer hours -- Pagat lawsuit filed -- and a continuing commitment to the future of our island and our people.

We celebrate a year and community brought together, to protect what we love.

We Are One Please join us for We Are Guahan's first birthday celebration fundraiser at the historic Lujan House. Friday,

Friday, December 17
6:00pm- 8:00pm
Pupus and Refreshments provided
For tickets: Jon Blas

Si Yu'os Ma'ase,

We Are Guahan


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