DNC Preview

Things in Denver have gotten off to a rocky start so far (no pun intended). Getting lost, problems with technology, confusion over passes and access. I'm having a great time, and very excited, but things have also been incredibly stressful. More soon on all that though.

Everywhere you go in Denver, especially in the downtown area you see evidence of Democrats.

They even have the official vehicles for the convention driving around with special DNC plates. And by the way all of them are hybrid.

Here's a little silly humor for Chamorros and everyone from Guam. For those who know, she also has a hairstyling salon in Hawai'i.

The lobby of the hotel where I received my press credentials was a madhouse. Motmot dimasaio.

Although this convention is supposed to be fully wired, its been a real pain trying to find accessible wireless. Which as a blogger, really really sucks.

Barack Obama's book Dreams of My Father is very good. Gof kapas na titige' gui'. Olaha mohon na i otro na Presidentin Amerikanu, malate'! If the Obama who wrote this book was running, I would have far fewer reservations about supporting him.
Outside the Convention Center (which I learned is not the Pepsi Center), anti-choice protestors fought for hours with Democrats leaving a Katrina Memorial event. One of them, saying he was a religious leader, admonished people for supporting Barack Obama, for as his sign read "A Vote for Barack Obama is a Vote for Dead Children." He reminded all that our bodies are God's temples and we have a responsibility to care for them, the moment they are conceived. Ironically, one of the the anti-choice protestors was smoking heavily, disrespecting blatantly the lease that God had given him on his own personal temple.


Tomorrow is the first day of the convention and I'll have a lot more. I was able to meet up with the Guam delegation today. They all sported red Hawaiian shirts which made them very popular with the other delegations and they were often asked by complete strangers if they could take pictures of them. I'm not quite sure how I feel about this...

So far, my list of famous people I've seen is as follows: Governor David Patterson, former Congressional condidate in Illinois Tammy Duckworth and DNC Chairman Howard Dean.

Lastly let me share with you the contents of the gift bag I received for being part of the convention. It is full of corporate sponsored gifts. Breath mints from UPS, a bottle of something called Joint Juice, a pin from AT&T, a eco-friendly notebook from Staples, and plenty more.


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