DNC Day 2 - ...for those of us from the territories

Senator Hillary Clinton is speaking right now and she just said, "...and the territories." I will write later about why, other than this being the way that Guam is mentioned and included in this great big Democratic tent, that this is interesting.
Otro fino'-ta: Earlier in the evening her old campaign shark Terry McAuliffe came by the Guam Delegation on the floor and yelled at us "I Love Guam!" The Guam delegates, mainly the Hillary supporters swooned, because like Hillary, Terry has also visited Guam.

(for clarification, in this photo Terry Mcauliffe is posing with Alaskan delegates not Guam ones)


Lesli3 said…
Hi Michael -- I came across your blog from your interview with the National Journal's Convention Daily reporter Kevin Friedl.

I am actually working towards a similar goal of helping 'cover the coverage' from a new media perspective with C-SPAN and their dual Convention Hubs for the RNC and DNC.

I linked your story from today and look forward to the promised follow up.

Here's your story link on our site: http://dnc08.c-span.org/?cat=324

Feel free to email me your content directly and keep up the great work :-) leslieann44 at gmail dot com

PS: we have embeddable video available, if you need anything for your coverage.

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