DNC Day 4 - I Manmatungo' (ta'lo ta'lo)

The continuing list of famous people I've seen so far (seen, not necessarily talked to).

Jonathan Alter, journalist
Paul Begala, pundit
Ann Curry, tv person (who was, according to rumor born on Guam)
Fran Drescher, actress
Tammy Duckworth, former Congressional candidate in Illinois
New York Governor David Pattersen
Penn. Governor Ed Rendell
Former California Congressman Norman Mineta
California Congressman Mike Honda
DNC Chariman Howard Dean
Minnesota Congressional Candidate Ashwin Madia
Hawai'i Congresswoman Mazie Hirono
Congressman from Maryland Steny Hoyer
Colorado Congressional Candidate Hank Eng
Guam Senator Ben Pangelinan
Guam Senator BJ Cruz
California Comptroller John Chiang
California Congressman John Chiang
Susan Sarandon, Actress and Activist
Tamlyn Tomita, Actress and Activist
Lisa Edelstein, Actress
Minnesota Senator Amy Koblucher
Maya Sotero-Ng, Barack Obama's sister
Kansas Governor Katherine Sebelius
Former Democratic Presidential Candidate George McGovern
Journalist Richard Wolfe
CNN journalist Wolf Blitzer
NBC TV News journalist David Gregory
James Carville, pundit
Katie Couric, CBS News Anchor
Kelly Hu, actress and activist
Congressman Charles Rangel
Virgin Islands Congresswoman Donna Christensen
DC Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton
Roland Martin, CNN analyst
American Samoan Congressman Eni Faleomavaega
Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd
Alicia Witt, actress
Hawai'i Senator Daniel Innouye
Hawai'i Senate Daniel Akaka
Hawai'i Congressman Neil Abercrombie
Guam Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo
Virgin Island Governor John P. deJongh Jr.
Delaware Senator Joseph Biden
Massachusetts Senator John Kerry
Former President Bill Clinton
Cenk Ugyur of The Young Turks
Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks
Asif Mandvi from The Daily Show
Wyatt Cenac from The Daily Show
Rob Wriggle from The Daily Show
Larry Wilmor from The Daily Show
Lawrence O'Donnell, pundit
CNN anchor Anderson Cooper
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Dan Barlett, former counselor to George W. Bush
Michigan Congressman John Conyers
Jon Oliver from The Daily Show
Chuck Todd, NBC News analyst
CBS News correspondent Jeff Greenfield
Connie Britton, actress
Tim Daily, actor
Pennslyvania Senator Bob Casey
CNN Journalist John King
CNN Journalist Campbell Brown
Amy Goodman from Democracy Now
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson
NBC Journalist Tom Brokaw
Chris Wallace from Fox News
Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings
Democratic Strategist Chris Kofinas
Former Special counsel to President Bill Clinton, Lanny Davis
Georgia Congressman John Lewis
Kansas State Representative Raj Goyle
Virginia Congressman Bobby Scott
New York Senator Chuck Schummer
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
Indiana Senator Evan Byah
Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez
Stevie Wonder, singer
Jon Stoltz of VoteVets
Sway from MTV News
Iowa Senator Tom Vilsack
New York Senator Hillary Clinton
Former Vice President Al Gore
Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama


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