DNC Day 5 - Some Quotes from the Week
"When I first sat in the Armed Services Committee, my first meeting. They said now, the question you ask, I was on the lower tier, the first row, now I'm on the second row. They said the question should be kind of generic and not too specific. So I had this question written out.Then I heard the rest of them, "my base" and "my state." I says, "Hey!" So when it came down to me, I said, "I want a carrier sent to Guam." Guam Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo in an interview on the Convention Floor, Wednesday "John McCain may pay hundred of dollars for his shoes, but we're the ones who will pay for his flip-flops." New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson during his speech on Thursday. "We can't simply drill our way to energy independence if you drilled everywhere, if you drilled in all of John McCain's backyards, even the ones he doesn't know he has." Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer from his speech on energy independe...