Realizing Our Destiny
Just finished up at the Realizing Our Destiny Rally held at Adelup today and organized by We Are Guahan. Mampos yafai yu', lao mampos malulok yu' lokkue'.
It was tiring, stressful, chaotic, lao sen gaibali, absolutely worth it. At least 500 people showed up (by my quick counts) to hear the music of Biggah and Bettah and Rockbottom, to take literature from the Guahan Coalition for Peace and Justice, and also sign up for the decolonization registry. The highlight of the rally was when we formed a human chain around the Adelup field, with more than 300 people, and screamed at the top of our lungs that we would defend this island and that the DOD must hear and pay attention to and act according to what the people of Guam want.
Hunggan, esta ma fitme i ROD, lao taya' guaha. Esta hu tuge' gi este na blog, na achokka' ma sangan na makpo' este, a'annok ha' na ti makpo'. Ma diseseha i militat, na yanggen ma fitma este, fitma ayu, fitma enao, para ta fanotta este. Para ta bira tatte para i gima'-ta siha, na'on i telebishon-ta siha, ya fanmaleffa todu put este na "buildup."
Este i impottante-na i dinana' pa'go. Ta na'siguguro na ti mumappao i isla, na ti manmaleffa i taotao siha put este na asunto.
Ti gof maolek i lilitratu-hu, lao estague noskuantos na litratu-hu ginnen i linahayan ROD pa'go.

It was tiring, stressful, chaotic, lao sen gaibali, absolutely worth it. At least 500 people showed up (by my quick counts) to hear the music of Biggah and Bettah and Rockbottom, to take literature from the Guahan Coalition for Peace and Justice, and also sign up for the decolonization registry. The highlight of the rally was when we formed a human chain around the Adelup field, with more than 300 people, and screamed at the top of our lungs that we would defend this island and that the DOD must hear and pay attention to and act according to what the people of Guam want.
Hunggan, esta ma fitme i ROD, lao taya' guaha. Esta hu tuge' gi este na blog, na achokka' ma sangan na makpo' este, a'annok ha' na ti makpo'. Ma diseseha i militat, na yanggen ma fitma este, fitma ayu, fitma enao, para ta fanotta este. Para ta bira tatte para i gima'-ta siha, na'on i telebishon-ta siha, ya fanmaleffa todu put este na "buildup."
I mafitman i ROD, dipotsi ha na'fanhaku i kannai-ta. Dipotsi ha na'klaru hit na esta munhayan este. Lao maskeseha guaha na i DOD ma na'paranaihon gi i che'cho'-na, ma na'klaru lokkue' gi i ROD na ti para u matulaika i planu-na. Achokka' ti para u masangan pa'go na ha'anin i Pagat i lugat na para u maayek, taya' matulaika. Yanggen un taitai i ROD, Pagat ha' gi hinasso-na.
Maolek para Siha este na strategy. Ma fa'attettende hit put iyo-ta comments siha, lao gi minagahet, taya' matulaika, guaha mana'paranaihon, lao taya' matulaika. Siempre ma nanangga esta ki mappao i isla. Gi duranten i DEIS na tiempo yan gi July annai mamprotest buente 300 pat 400 na taotao siha giya Pagat, annok na mansininilo' i tano' yan i taotao.
Buente gi un anos pat noskuantos na meses, para u masangan na put fin ma na'fitme i dinisiden-niha, ya ma diseseha na gi guihi na tiempo, esta manmakombense i taotao Guahan, na taya' sina ma cho'gue, ti ta hulat chumanda este.
Este i impottante-na i dinana' pa'go. Ta na'siguguro na ti mumappao i isla, na ti manmaleffa i taotao siha put este na asunto.
Un rason na impottante este, sa' guaha chansa na We Are Guahan yan otro na inetnon guini, sina ma kotte i DOD put i binaba-na put i DEIS ya put i ti ma attettende i bos i taotao Guahan. Yanggen ma cho'gue este, sen impottante na gi i hinasson i taotao siha, ti ma po'po'lo na makpo' esta este. Ti ma po'po'lo na i We Are Guahan yan i abugao siha, i kumokotte na manmaladjusted, ya ma chu'chu'ot este na chetnudan, achokka esta magong. Gi fino' Ingles na masangan na este un geran "ideological." Yanggen i DOD sina ma kombense i taotao Guahan na munhayan este ya para mo'na taya' sina macho'gue, pues manggana' siha. Sa' kada ni' tumacha este, kada na taotao pat inetnon ni' chumanda este, ti mismo ma kuekuestiona i "buildup" ha'. Lao mismo na kalang ma kokontra i minagahet, i "reality" Guahan. Ayu i kumekeilekna "maladjusted" sigun i tinige' Robert Underwood. Para i activists, i sinangan-miyu, ti sinangan ha' put i unu na asunto. Achokka' buente i "buildup" i mismo na un kekedanche, i taotao siha, ma li'e' i sinangan-miyu na gaipiligro, na mas ki i buildup ha' un chachanda. Ma po'lo na todu i fondasion i tano' un chachanda. Ma po'lo na i minagahet yan i "fabric of reality" un chachanda.
Lao este na dinana' pa'go, un gof impottante na pokkat mo'na.
Ti gof maolek i lilitratu-hu, lao estague noskuantos na litratu-hu ginnen i linahayan ROD pa'go.
I posted both of them in different articles.
The second one is from an article by Tom Engelhardt from Tom's Dispatch