Para Si Kakashi Hatake

One of the strangest things about this blog, is the people who read it or pass through each day.

Although the focus of this blog is Chamorro and Guam issues, people searching for those topics and end up in my blog, count for only half of the people who read my blog. The rest arrive at my blog looking for random pop culture related images or posts, the most common of which is people who end up on my blog while searching for images and information on the character Kakashi Hatake from the ninja manga Naruto. Yesterday alone, people from Indonesia, Dennmark, Mexico and the US ended up on my blog looking for pictures and poems about Kakashi.

As I've written about before on my blog, Kakashi is one of my favorite manga characters, and so I do have several posts about him, and for a while my profile picture was an image of him reading his favorite Make-Out Violence book. Last year, there was a major scare for Kakashi fans, as he (and many others) came close to dying during the "Pain attacks Konohagure" arc. After Kakashi almost dying, I started to write a poem from the perspective of Kakashi as if he were looking to the sky in his final moments. I finished it several months ago, but never found time or reason to post it here. But after seeing yesterday so many, close to 100 hits which were all Kakashi related, I felt I had the obligation to my random Googling fanbase, to post it now.

Oops, by the way, it's in Chamorro, so apologies to those who can't read or understand it. I'm sure I'll post an English translation later.



Desde un ga’lagitu yu’

Esta gaige guihi gi entre i mapagÄhes i korason-hu

Ya puede ha’ gi i finakpo’-hu

I ante-hu u saonao gui’ guihi guatu…

Guahu Si Hayatake Kakashi.

Guereron Konoha yu’.

Guahu ni’ Kakashi i Gaisharingan.

Hu mumuyi yan hu tachuyi este na songsong gi todu i lina’la’-hu.

Ma sÄngan na Guahu i mas matatnga na guerreron Konoha

Guahu i mas na’espanta na sapblĂ„-ña.

I finatto-hu ha’ siña pumugao i enimigu-hu siha.

Ya annai manafana’ ham gi un fanmumuyan

Siña hu chalĂ„pon un mit sindĂ„lu ni’ unu na kannai-hu.

Annai hu laknos ginnen i langhet i damang-hu fina’tinas lĂ„mlam

Kontodu i korason faha humÄnom.

Guaha nai hu hungok este na estoria siha gi i pachot i famagu’on.

Ma dommo’ i aire, yan manessalao annai ma fa’magĂ„het este na estoriĂ„-ku siha.

EstĂ„ba, ayu na sinangan, muna’magof yu’, ya ha susteni yu’ gi karerĂ„-hu.

Lao pĂ„’go, gi este na kumekematai-hu,

Guiya mumofefeha yu’.

Hagas este na kannai, Guiya umakihom ayu na lÄmlam damang.

Guiya yumabbao i kontria-hu siha kalang cha’guan.

PĂ„’go ti mañieniente gui’, taibali.

I presisu na hĂ„ga, sumusume’ huyong, ya mumamasge’ gi i satge.

Ai este na direchas kuetdas na estao-hu,

Esta kumekelamĂ„s yu’

Ya kada na kumekechĂ„lek yu’ put i pinedddong-hu ginnen takhilo’ na guerrero

Asta fumafatiguao na tahtaotao, bumolokbok yu’.

Olaha mohon, un biahi mas, siña hu na’fĂ„tto magi ta’lo ayu na sapblĂ„-ku!

Bai hu na’tanom i se’se’-ña gi este na hagoen haga’-hu

Ya annai luma’chok gui’ ya ha hago’ i langhet ta’lo

Bai hu hatsan maisa yu’.

Ya dumidide’ dumidide’ bai hu feddos hulo’ ayu na trongkon lĂ„mlam.

Hulo’lo’lo’ asta i mapagĂ„hes

Gi todu i lina’la’-hu

Kada nai hu atan hulo’ gi i langhet, nina’hosguan yu’ ni’ i mapagĂ„hes

Sen na’malago i sagan-ñiha.

Siha i mas suette na fina’tinas Yu’us

Siha puma’ya’ya’ gi hilo todu i yinaoyaoyao gi entre i rasan taotao,

Ya Siha dumaña’ yan dumespetta taima’Ă„’ñao.

Manla’la’la’ siha, mismo manmama’ya siha gi este na saddok lina’la’ taiñalang, taiachaki, taidañu’.

Puede ha’ na este na ti ketu’on na ante para u fĂ„tto guihi guatu.

Ya despues di este na bihu na lina’la’-hu sesso masmai ni’ i haga’ otro

Para u malulok guihi, hinilof ni’ i mapagĂ„hes siha.


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