Conflicts of (Business) Interests

So in this case, the idea that a Senator is the President of a labor union on Guam becomes the ultimate sin, whereas the fact that various businessmen on island have repeatedly obstructed legislation or passed legislation on Guam meant to support themselves and protect their profits is considered to be the norm and acceptable.
Guam is an interesting place, because even though it has almost no consciousness about labor movements, labor history, or even an awareness of what unions or what they have historically done or can do, a surprising majority of people seem to have strong negative opinions about them. Since being elected as a Senator, there has been so much everyday vitriol directed at Rector and GFT, and while I know alot of it has to do with Rector's personality, so much of it is hidden behind some taitiningo' argument about labor unions taking over, or pushing people around. As a historian I'm tempted to make some sort of remark now about how a sort of feeble devotion to rich people has emerged on Guam, from the Spanish era, the American era up until today. Or how people on an island, which supposedly has nothing, thus comes to worship those who can build from this nothing, an empire of commercial ventures. I do find it odd how an island in which so many hover below and around the poverty line, can worship and make so many excuses for the wealthiest. Perhaps one day I'll study this, and do an in-depth study of labor movements and unions on Guam, and draw some conclusions about why Guam would be so pro-business without any obvious reasons.

I'm pasting a video below in which Senator Rector answers a question about his potential conflict of interest and he side-steps the question a little bit, but in a very effective way. He is able to reframe the issue in a particular way, so that it helps make clear why the media on Guam and certain interests are so invested in attacking Rector.
Regular people may complain that the politicians are all in it for themselves, or just in political office to line their own pockets, but on any particular issue the media and most people are completely silent when they actually do it. They either don't know it or aren't paying attention.
With Rector his conflicts are very clear, everyone knows he is the President of GFT and that he is a Senator, when he acts, everyone knows it and sees it. The same can't be said for most other politicans, who put up a huge facade of being for all and not for just a few, but then shroud or keep quiet their own particular interests. If you believe that Rector is totally out of line by being in both positions that's fine, but I'd ask you to widen your view a little bit. There are plenty of other conflicts out there, and just because they don't stick out or aren't as openly admitted to, the way Rector's affiliations are, that in truth actually makes them even more dangerous.