HIllary Stands With Guam

Chelsea Clinton: Why Guam Should Choose My Mom
Letter to the Editor
Pacific Daily News
May 4, 2016

I’ve spent the last few months on the road doing everything I can to make sure that my mom, Hillary Clinton, is elected our next president because I believe this is the most important presidential election of my lifetime. I feel that way for two fundamental and interconnected reasons that I think many in Guam share.

First is a deeply personal one. This is the first presidential election I voted in as a mom — on April 19 in New York. I didn’t know I could care any more about the issues that I already cared about until I became a mother. As many parents I’ve talked to this campaign cycle have shared with me and I’ve shared in turn, everything feels much more personal once we have children in the world. Whomever we elect our next president will play a fundamental role in shaping the country, the world and the future that all our children will grow up in.

The second reason is because there is so much at stake and I think my mom is the only person who has a record of being able to deliver real progress, the plans to build a better future and the grit and grace to get it done.

My mom is running to break down all the barriers that still stand in our way, and Guam has more than its fair share of barriers. I hope that the people of Guam know that a President Hillary Clinton would pay attention to Guam and Guam’s issues and fight every day to provide the same ladders to opportunity as on the mainland.

That will mean making sure that all our veterans are taken care of when they come home from protecting our country. It will mean combating the urgent threat of climate change, the effects of which will hit island territories especially hard. And it will mean continuing my mom’s lifelong fight for our children, making sure that every girl and every boy has the education and the opportunity to live up to her or his God-given potential.

Having visited Guam, my mom is also keenly aware of the island’s importance to America’s national security. As Secretary of State, she was one of the key architects of President Obama’s pivot to Asia. With her as president, Guam will continue to be an essential base for the deployment of our armed forces, and she will ensure that the Department of Defense upholds the important understandings it outlined in the “four pillars.”

My mom knows that diagnosing a problem isn’t enough — we need real solutions from a progressive who knows how to get things done.

We need to do everything we can to make sure we keep a Republican out of the White House. Families in Guam and throughout America simply can’t afford to see all the progress we have made be rolled back. That’s why I believe my mom is the Democrats’ best chance of winning on Election Day in November. I hope she can count on your support in Guam’s Caucus on May 7 at the Agana Shopping Center Expo Hall. Polls open at 10 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. time.

I urge you to support my mom on Saturday, so she can support you as president.

Chelsea Clinton is the daughter of Hillary Clinton.


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