Para i Famagu'on

For years Peter Onedera's column gi Fino' Chamoru has been my favorite part of the Pacific Daily News. Many Chamorro speakers are critical of the way that Onedera writes in the Chamorro language and the way that he spells, but often times I feel these criticisms have more to do with people feeling inadequate in terms of their ability to read Chamorro or just feeling plain lazy. Ondera's columns can be difficult to read, and many people simply turn their minds off because they don't like the way he spells certain things. Others make their way through it, but don't like the Chamorro he uses because it is different that the way he speaks or the way most people speak. There is some truth to this, but the far greater truth that people don't want to acknowledge is that while we do have thousands of Chamorro speakers out there, we don't have nearly as many Chamorro readers or writers. Even if there are people who are fluent in the language, it doesn't mean that they are necessarily comfortable reading or writing the language. Many students trying to learn Chamorro come across this when asking their grandparents for help. Although their grandparents may be fluent, they may feel apprehensive about advising someone on speaking Chamorro when typing or spelling or reading is involved.

I have always felt that Peter Onedera gets way too much criticism for his Chamorro. He and a small group of others are really pushing to perpetuate our language in ways that are difficult or uncomfortable for most. His column in the Pacific Daily News is challenging to read at times, but that is a good thing. The grammar is correct, the spelling may seem different to some, but it follows what is becoming standard in schools and colleges. The Chamorro language has remained stagnant for very long. Those who push passionately for its use in many ways are not actually revitalizing the language, but only reanimating certain choice parts, while as a whole, the language remains in place, no longer adapting to the world around us. Peter Onedera with his regular columns in the PDN takes on such an incredible variety of topics in the Chamorro language it is so impressive. He has talked about so many things that aren't generally talked about in Chamorro and because of this unfamiliarity many people tune out, but people simply write it off as not being real Chamorro or being formal somehow fake Chamorro.

Peter Onedera recently moved to the states, and this island will surely miss his presence and his voice. He is a true champion of the Chamorro language. Here is his most recent column from the PDN.


Ha'ani-hu ni hu onra i famagu'on-hu

Peter Onedera
June 17, 2014

Sembunitu i ha'åni' ni' maloffan guini gi ma'pos na Damenggo ni' manma onra todu tåta siha. Siguru yu' na mangomfotme i manåta na i famagu'on-ñiha gi magåhet i rason na guaha ni' este na ukasion ni' hu ayao ginen i sesso ma usa na på'a gi i tiempon Påsgua annai ma onra lokkue' si Jesukristo gi mafañagu-ña.

Para guåhu, acha parehu i dos gupot para Ha'ånen Manåta yan Ha'ånen Mannåna tåtkumu ha na'hasso hit tengnga ni' takhilo' upblegasion para sumaina annai manhuyong gi lina'la' ni' essalao katen-ñiha ya ma nå'i hit minagof yan bendesion gi iya hita. Desdeki tutuhon na mangilesyånu, ta poksai, fa'nå'gue, hulof, guaiya yan prutehi siha astaki ittemon lina'lå'-ta. Estague' hu tungo' sigun ginen kinemprende-ku na gof empottånte este na puesto gi håyi na låhi ni' manliles påtgon gi tano'.

Kuåtro famagu'on-hu, tres na famalao'an yan unu na låhi. Annai manma fañågu, hu chåhlao i siñenten apurao yan minagof na bai hu eksperensia tumåta kontåt tiempo gi lina'lå'-hu. Gai kostumbre kada unu ya måtto gi gima'-måmi difirensiao na hinasso, tiningo', nina'siña yan tinalente ni' asigurao na u fitme kostumbren-ñiha ni' mismo u finetma håyi siha gi i kinahulo'-ñiha.

Malåte', tomtom, osgon yan sentida i mås åmko' na hagå-hu as SelinaMaria. Desdeki ma fañagu-ña, hu tungo' na anåkko' yan fedda' nina'siñå-ña yan lokkue' embelekera ta'lo sa' guiya entre i famagu'on, ha hokka' i fino' CHamoru gi hiniben-ña asta på'go ni' para trentai sais na idåt.

Fifino', titige' yan guiya para tahgue-ku gi kinalamten todu manera put i fino' CHamoru ni' hu pikukura. Hu senangokku este na patgon-hu na para guiya u asiste yu' gi inamko'-hu ya guiya lokkue' ma pega ni' mañe'lu-ña na kulan nåna gui' sa' ha na'siña mañetbe tåtkumu ayudu, atbisu yan cho'cho' kånnai entre pumalu na kinalamten.

Gof meyeng gi kampiuta i mina'dos na hagå-hu as HelenDolores ya guiya umakukupa yu' kada chenglong yu' gi hinanao-hu mo'na ya hu fakcha'i prublema gi i internet yan i meggai prugråma siha ni' hu petsisigi. Yanggen ti siña tengnga hu sodda' håfa prublemå-hu gi iyo-ku laptåp yan inemprinta, sesso hu bira yu' guatu gi iya guiya para u ayuda yu'.

Trentai unu åños idåt-ña ya ha konsisigi digri-ña tåtkumu master's gi saikålayen klinikåt gi i inibetsedåt mientras machocho'cho' todu diha gi simåna yan ta'lo mapotge' ni' para mina'dos na patgon-ña. Unesto, sinseru, dibotu para prufesion-ña, intilihente, yan fiet tåtkumu hagå-hu yan lokkue' kumu atungo' para noskuåntos na mamprufesiunåt yan mampetsonåt na taotågues ni' ha fåfana' gi i hinanao-ña mo'na.

Maolek mama'tinas yan mampanadera si SelinaMaria lao maolek si Helen para mañodda' fañochuyan siha ni' manmånnge' na nengkanno' maskeseha mangguaguan ta'lo. Guiya tengnga ga'chochong-hu para chumocho gi lugåt siha ni' ti hu tungo' ya fihu di hu angokku na tomtom put sinostånsia yan minaolek na salut tåtkumu put nengkanno'.

Sesso di ha lemlem yu' ni' estoria siha put famagu'on yan manhoben ni' manma chånda yan manma abusu parehu put taotao siha ni' ha fakchacha'i gi che'cho' yan i trinatan este na klåsen famagu'on siha. Tåddong hinengge-ña para maolek cho'cho' piot gi academia na bånda ya ti u midi este na hinengge para babarihas osino disunesto na hinasso. Hu pega gi kirason-hu na ha risibi siempre i iyo-ña master's degree sa' esta ha entensiona na para u petsigi iyo-ña dåktoret.

Ha bendisi yu' si Yu'os ni' unu ha' na låhi para lahi-hu, as si CharlesPatrick. Frihon, indothensia, na'magof yan gaihinasso este na patgon-hu ni' fihu di hu sångan na para guiya u irensia i fettunå-hu parehu lokkue' yan i taifottunå-hu gi i lina'la'.

Desde dinikike'-ña, ha na'fa'nu'i yu' na gaikurason para taotao yan put este geftao gui' lokkue'. Hu tungo' na guaha na ha nå'i håyi na ga'chong-ña ni' gainisisidåt, salåppe' yan ayudu maskeseha ayu uttemo guinahå-ña. Put mås, kabesiyu gui' lokkue' ya sesso di ma entrega ni' mangga'chong-ña para u ge'hilu'i håfakao na kinalamten parehu na'dañu yan siriosu ya ti ma'å'ñao mamåna' kontråriu achokha' håyi.

Fa'na'an dipotsi bai hu siente inatborotu put i mina'kuåtro na patgon-hu as AngelineThaddea sa' hu pega gui' na neni para guåhu todu i tiempo maskeseha gaineni esta ni' mina'kuåtro na ñetu-hu. Fafatkilu yan empitosu este na patgon-hu lao måtto di difensot para i mañe'lu-ña yan familian-ñiha yan asta kontodu hami as nanå-ña yan tatå-ña.

Geftao, yo'ase', sentida yan gaihinasso kualidåt-ña este na patgon-hu ni' gof tåddong siñente-ku gi i kirason-hu. Kulan guaha minagåhet nu i pa'a na i ittemo mås maolek ya siña ti mangomfotme i mañe'lu-ña nu este na sinangan lao hu pega este na hinasso sa' kulan hu siente na hu disatendi gui' gi i kinahulo'-ña.

Måtto chi-hu eskuså-hu put este sa' put i mampos tinane' yu' bai hu pribiniyi i familiå-ku ni' guinahan i tano' ya hu gåsta nomåsdi tiempo para bai hu kalamtini este enlugåt di bai hu nå'i tiempo este na påtgon taiguihi i bidå-hu para i mañe'lu-ña.

Gaige gi marinu lao ha planeha para u na'fonhåyan kulehu-ña yan para u biåhi para otro tåno' siha, tunas hinanånao-ña si AngelineThaddea. Para bai hu danña' yan guiya gi gimå'-ña gi iya Chula Vista, California gi mamaila' tiempo ya hu entensiona na bai hu fa'nå'gue i neni-ña as Uchan Sherrod i fino' CHamoru. Apurao yu' put este ya siempre u kumple guinifi-hu na bai hu mås hihot yan este na patgon-hu.

Ya estaguiya i kuåtro na famagu'on-hu. Ma su'on yu' ni' kada unu i siñente na guaha hinangai yan sostånsia put i lina'lå'-hu. Achokha' taimanu minappot-hu yan chinatsaga-ku ni' hu fakcha'i gi manmaloffan tiempo, hu atan tåtte gi noskuåntos åños ya hu senli'e' na siha gi magåhet numa'guaha rason para bai hu silebra i Ha'ånen Manåta.


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