Hurao Summer Camp

For those interested in providing your child with a memorable summer experience and teach them about Chamorro culture and immerse them in the Chamorro language, Hurao Guahan is accepting applications for their Tiempon Somnak, or Summer Camp. I will be enrolling Sumahi this session because she really needs more support for her Chamorro language learning. I speak to her all the time, but no other kids around her speak Chamorro. Very few adults she knows speak Chamorro and so she feels very isolated in the language. I'm hoping this experience will help her become more comfortable in her Chamorro.

Here is the link to the application.

Here is the link to their Facebook page.

I love the theme that Hurao brings to their language revitalization work. You can see it on their t-shirts and on their Facebook page banner. It reads, "Hasso yu'. Fana'gue yu'. Na'i yu' ni' iyo-ku."

That translates to: Remember (think or) me. Teach me. Give me what is mine.

I love the way that this implies that the language already belongs to the children of Chamorros. They are just waiting for us to give it to them. It is an important reminder of our obligations. If we don't teach our children the language, who will?


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