Can We Yes We Can Again?

Barack Obama's re-election campaign has officially begun, with the release of a video through his website.

Here is the video below, which features people from around the United States getting geared up to help re-elect the President.

Ti siguru yu' hafa siniente-ku put este. Ya-hu Si Barack Obama. Ya-hu gui' desde i fine'nina na humuyong gui' gi i 2004 na DNC giya Boston. Ga'o-ku gui' kinu Si Bush yan kinu todu i otro ni' sina manmalalagu para i ofisina gi 2012. Hunggan desganao yu' na ti gof "liberal" gui'. Ya ha na'desganao yu' meggai gi i ma'pos na dos na sakkan annai ti ha tachuyi hit kontra i manriku yan i Manrepublicans. Gof lalalu yu' na ti ha huchom GTMO. Ayu i mas fa'set na prublema. Huchom ha'. Sotta todu i mampinengle guihi. Manmapopongle todu kontra i lai internationale. Pues sotta ha' todu. Hunggan, sina na gigon manmasotta siha, ma hatme i US, lao maolekna ennao kinu i gagaige ha' i "stain" GTMO gi i anten i US.

Ei adai, hekkua' este.

Put este na rason na fihu ilek-hu na i mas ya-hu na Barack Obama ayu ni' sumasaga' gi halom i guinife-hu siha. Taya' nai ha na'desganao yu'. Lao na'ma'ase na i magahet na Barack Obama ti parehu-na. Lao ai lokkue' este na Obama giya Guahu, sen anggokuyon yan tininas gui'. Maolekna na Guiya chumalalani i US.

Lao su'anu sinembatgo si Barack Obama. Ya achokka' meggai i rason na ti ya-hu gui', meggaina i rason na ya-hu, pues bai hu sapotte gui' giya 2012.


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