A Special Message from the Governor of Guam - The Honorable Felix P. Camacho
Ti este mismo i mensåhin i Maga’låhi. Lao este un otro gof impottante na mensåhi ni’ debi di un taitai antes di un taitai i otro na mensåhi.
Put fabot i Taotao Guahan. Po’lo påppa’ i lapes-miyu yan i pluman-miyu. Puno’ i telebishon-miyu. Na’fanmaigo’ i famagu’on-miyu yan godde’ i ga
-miyu. Basta todu i buskabidan-miyu, put fabot fanngaha’ yan atan magi. Siempre ti mannina’desganao Hamyo ni’ este na mensåhi.
Esta hu tungo’ na meggai giya Hamyo ni’ ti yan-miyu i Maga’låhin på’go’. Esta gi fino’ Ingles “keyao na nganga” gui’. Pau tunok ginnen i ofisinå-ña gi i otro sakkan, ya put este na esta ti apmam na tiempo-ña, guaha nai kulang taibali gui’. Guaha nai an un atan i atadok-ña siha, na kamten gui’, esta o’sun gui’ nu este na lina’la’, ya esta listo gui’ para u dingu i ofisinå-ña.
Lao para på’go na momento, Guiguiya ha’ i ma’gås-ta, ya Guiya gumigiha gi este gof dongkulo na “military buildup.” Hu konfotme na guaha na biahi kalang binådu Si Camacho ni’ esta para u tinetpe ni’ kareta, lao debi di ta konfotme lokkue’ na gaigaige ha’ gi i korason-ña, i interes i taotao-ña, i taotao Guahan.
Gi este na gof impottånte na mensåhi, Si Camacho para u sangåni hit, put i military buildup, yan taimanu siña mannina’gaiprobecho hit. Hu diseseha na para en hingok i fino’-ña, ya para en kemprende i tinahdong i guinaiyå-ña para Hita, i tiguang-ña. Sen magåhet hafa ilelek-ña, hongge yu’ put fabot, annai ilek-hu na gof didok i kuentos-ña.
Sin otro mas kuentos, estague i ma’gas-ta, Si Honorapble na Maga’låhin Guahan, Felix P. Camacho.
I don't think you understood my post because the quote that you took from my post doesn't really connect with the rest of your comment. I think you're criticizing me, but I'm not sure why. If I understand your Chamorro, its because what I've written isn't beautiful (or nice or appropriate) and isn't in line with Chamorro culture?
I just sent you an email because I really don't understand your comment and I'm hoping you can clarify your thoughts.
I completely understand your point about not thinking this is a good way to approach people or the buildup, but I also have to disagree with you. It might not appeal to everyone (and most likely its not something that any older Chamorros would understand or appreciate), but that might not be the case for younger people who are used to this sort of mockery.
In addition to this however, in terms of tactics, I also think its important to reach out to people in more ways than just providing information, you also have to appeal to their emotions, through things such as humor. In order for any movement to be successful, it has to not only have one message, but several. It can't only have one strategy, but several, and the effectiveness of that movement depends on how well those different levels work together in terms of shifting consciousness and power in a society. If we look at the loose coalition that we've got now around critiquing the military buildup, we can see the potential for this. There are people who want to talk to Senators, want to take to the streets, want to protest, want to stir things up, want to work with the military, want to write mitigation for the DEIS, there are people who want no bases on Guam.
All of these things have their place in terms in terms of building this movement or this critique, and the trick is not to force everyone to take up a single approach or adopt a single message. The trick as I see it, is making it so all these different groups can somehow work together, even if not explicitly or consiously to support a set of larger goals. More confrontational approaches do have their place, and can sometimes accomplish things that more middle of the road approaches can't, and so from my view, its important that we don't dismiss them as not being approrpriate, but rather find ways in which the more radical tactics can support the other actions.
You've really got me thinking now, and so I'll probably end up posting about this later (as you will as well I'm sure). Si Yu'us Ma'ase ta'lo for your comment, and please keep using your Chamorro. I understood what you were saying in your initial comment, but couldn't make sense of it in the context of the whole comment.
From my own experience, being a crazy activist for almost ten years now, is that your family can and must grow with you. When I first began to speak up and write things, I lived in fear of family members seeing them or finding them and confronting me. But part of our growing in consciousness is being able to find ways to share a truth that we feel, a truth that we can't deny, or a struggle that we feel we have to join, with the one's we love. To allow them to learn and grow with us. Not all will go, some will simply ignore that part of you, others will never forigve you and loathe you, but most will most likely find a way to support the crazy activist you.
For me, talking to family about these sorts of things is always so tough, because there is always this expectation that we already know each other, we already care for each other, there shouldn't be any walls between us, we should be able to talk about anything, yet for some reason there is this massive wall between us, dividing us, and both of us are too afraid to scale it or knock it down.