Political Mix

From the politics of Guam and its legislature, to the politics of Executive vs. Legislative power, and onto the politics of the most exciting American Presidential race in years...

Robert Underwood once said to me that on Guam in times past, the mas ya-niha na pastime was "politics" and the "political season." Although I was always a great follower of politics on Guam when I was living there, prior to coming out to the states for school, I've never felt so much of the excitement and tension as I do this year. Guaha linikidu gi este na sakkan yan este na botashon Amerikanu. Buente ti para Guahan (sa' cocolony ha' hit), lao para i US, hunggan sina u matulaika bula gi i hinasson Amerikanu.

I'm in the middle of a roundtable discussion of all of us grad students who received the Cal Cultures Summer Research Fellowship last year. The presentations are very diverse and interesting, which is why I shouldn't be typing on my computer right now.

Despensa yu', sa' pa'go bula iyo-ku mitengs yan fina'nu'i, pues taya' tiempo-ku para bei fannge' nuebu guini. Siempre agupa'!!


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