Betsu-hu (lao ti munhayan)

Poem I'm working on, mungga machatge, esta annok na ti munhayan. Dipotsi na un taitai este yan dandan achagigu...

Kinattayi yu' ni' sindalun Chamorro giya Irak...

Manrisibi yu’ katta
Na un tuge’i yu’
Nai gaige hao gi gera

Sumaonao hao
Sa’ taikepble
Lao ti un hasso
Put I linachin militat

Lao nai un li’e
Estao Iraki
Ya taimanu ti manmalibre
Un hasso I Chamorro
Ya un tungo’ hafa debi di u macho’gue

Ti bai mumu, para Siha
Bai hu tachu, para Hita
Esta ki manlibre hit fanhongge
Mungga hinalang
Lao usuni

Umessalao hao gi langhet
Lao paki ha’ umoppe
Ilek-mu ti dinanche
Na mana’gera yu’
Achokka’ taya’ bota-hu
Lachi hu konfotme

Ti bai mumu, para Siha
Bai hu tachu, para Hita
Esta ki manlibre hit fanhongge
Mungga hinalang
Lao usuni

Ti amerikanu
Ti sahnge
Ti achaigua


Anonymous said…
Don't speak Chamorro, can you please provide a translation?
Anonymous said…
I think the whole point of this blog is to make us want to speak the language more. So maybe they shouldnt provide any translation.
I don't like translating my poems into English, when they are written in Chamorro. The English just doesn't sound right. It sounds basic, or silly. Then what you end up doing is embellishing on the translation to make it sound cool, but then you've lost or forgotten what you actually wrote.

Maybe at a later date, I'll translate it, like when I'm done with it.
Anonymous said…
As a non-speaker, I am interested in learning the language. As a language teacher, I like learning from poems and literature. Providing a translation, however basic, may help non-speakers learn the language so they can read the poems for their true beauty.
Anonymous said…
bonito na tinigi.

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