Liberation Day Prayer 1958

One thing that I enjoy about being a researcher is that I get to search for things and come across things that others may not have the time, resources or privileges to find. But the question is, what do you do with all of these things that you are able to gather? That was always a things that bothered me being part of academia. Is that so much of what I spent time working on was to be funneled into particular forums or formats, where it may not reach many people (scholars included). I remember talking to a Chamoru who has been at a university in the states for many years now about this issue. He in his time in archives across the US and the Pacific, had collected so much incredible research from Chamoru history. He maintained that he was serving his islands back home and the Chamoru people in general by publishing his work into books and articles. I can understand that, but I had to be honest and remind him that I've never met an actual person back home who has read yo...