
Showing posts from July, 2021

Juneteenth Reflections from Guåhan

For my Pacific Daily News columns over the past month, I was focusing on providing some reflections for the recent passage of Juneteenth as a national holiday in the United States. This was partially in response to some young activists and educators on Guam, hosting a special Fanachu! episode discussing the issue from a Guam perspective. There was so much more that I could have addressed in more columns and I may return to the issue of African American history in Guam or Chamorus navigating US racial hierarchies at a later date in my column. But until then, here are the columns: ************************ Juneteenth celebration connects history of CHamorus, African Americans Pacific Daily News By Michael Lujan Bevacqua  Jun 25, 2021   Last week the United States recognized Juneteenth as a federal holiday. This is an important day whereby the U.S. can reflect not only the history of slavery, but the legacy of that inhuman institution and how it continues to impact African Am...

Faisen i Guam Museum Hugua

  The second episode of "Faisen I Guam Museum" is happening this Tuesday, July 27th at 11 am Chamorro Standard Time on the Guam Museum Facebook page. If you have questions about Guam History, Chamoru culture or heritage, comment with them or email them to me at and I'll select some to try to answer as part of the livestream. The first one held last month was a lot of fun, I'm really looking forward to this one and continuing the community outreach on behalf of the Guam Museum.

Nuebu na Cho'cho'

Guahu i nuebu na curator para i Museon GuÃ¥han. Gof magof yu' na ma'apunta yu' gi este na ofisio. Hu ayuda fumÃ¥'tinas i petmanente na fina'nu'i para i museo "I Hinanao-ta." Kada sÃ¥kkan, hu konne' guatu noskuÃ¥ntos na gurupon taotao (sesso biaheru siha), ya hu esgaihon siha gi halom i fina'nu'i ya hu fa'nÃ¥'gue siha put i hestorian i Chamoru. Gi todu i bidadÃ¥-hu, ya-hu famanÃ¥'gue taotao, maseha guini giya GuÃ¥han,  pat ginen otro tÃ¥no' put i irensian yan hestorian i taotao-ta. Para Guahu, gof dÃ¥ngkolo' na onra este, para bai hu representa i taotao gi taiguini na ofisio.  ************************** The Guam Museum From Guampedia Named for the late Senator Tony M. Palomo The  Guam Museum , located at Skinner Plaza in the heart of HagÃ¥tña, Guam, is a government of Guam owned museum focused on the history of Guam. It’s official name is Senator  Antonio M. Palomo  Guam Museum and Educational Facility. The Guam Museum reflects the ...