Ti Mambobota na Kongresu

I would never want to be the Ti Mambobota na Kongres para Guahan in the US Congress. First of all, so much in Congress works on seniority, and so by starting off you would be as one elder told me "i mas takpapa' na gå'ga'." Second, your status as a non-voting delegate and not a full member of Congress means that while you get the perks, you do not get the rights. Third, your status depends so much on whichever party controls the US House. When the Democrats have controlled the house for a short period in the 1990s and during the 2000s, the non-voting delegates from Guam and other territories received symbolic voting rights, meaning they could vote as part of the whole, with their vote counting, only if their votes did not affect whether a bill passed or failed. When the Republicans are in power, this symbolic power disappears and all the symbolic excitement associated with it. Fourth, as for most of the Federal government (and much of the US) Guam's ...