Rolling Stone on the Oregon Militia

Rolling Stone has done a couple of stories on the white militia occupation in Oregon. Here are two of them. ***************** WTF Just Happened to the Oregon Militia, Explained by Tim Dickinson Rolling Stone 1/27/16 The FBI has cut off the head of the snake of the militia occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge outside Burns, Oregon. The FBI announced Tuesday night that it had arrested eight militia members and that the leader of the standoff, Ammon Bundy, is in custody. One militant is dead, another wounded. Here's what you need to know. Did federal officials finally raid the wildlife refuge? No. The militants got cocky and went on a road trip. The FBI intercepted a group of six occupiers traveling on the state highway to John Day, an east Oregon city 70 miles north of Burns, where militants had been scheduled to appear at an anti-government rally Tuesday evening. Who did the FBI capture? The FBI arrested Ammon Bundy and his brother Ryan; ...