I'd Rather Be Activating
Sigh, there is so much going on right now, that could possibly dictate the future of Guam in terms of the military buildup. I should be out organizing right now, or working with other like minded people who are either trying to halt, stall or re-negotiate this buildup. I should at least be paying very close attention to what's going on so I can help disseminate the information which the media on Guam is ignoring or which the military doesn't want people to know or think very much about. Sadly, I am not doing much of that right now, since I have a stack of papers to grade. Puede ha' ti taiguihi para todu i lina'la'-hu gi kolehu. Puede ha', para bai hu espiha empenu put taimanu sina hu na'dana' maolek i lina'la' i fafana'gue yan i lina'la' activist. Debi di bei hasso na este i fine'nina na semester giya UOG, yan siempre lumafa'set este gi tiempo. But regardless, here are some current events in Guam that both myself and all of yo...